["Don't cry", she said to herself. Tintin would be back safe and sound, she just had to wait. It didn't comfort her in the least that he reacted like it was not the second time this sort of things happened. More like... the zillionth time].
Ella no recordaba haber leído nada parecido en sus artículos, si acaso los recordaba mas bien felices y algo-Oh, Martine! Por supuesto que él omitiría el hecho de que casi muere en el Congo, quizás incluso muchas veces! Sin mencionar el asunto con la Rusia Soviética, la Mafia Americana, narcotraficantes, incluso su avión se estrelló una vez. Era imposible que hubiera salido ileso de esas.
[She didn't remember having read any of it on his articles though, if anything she recalled them kind of happy and somewhat-Oh, Martine! Of course he'd omit the fact that he almost died in the Congo, perhaps even several times! Not to mention the deal with Soviet Russia, the American Mafia, drug dealers, even his plane crashed once. There was no way he didn't get any scratch from those].
Martine suspiró. Él estaba tan fuera de su alcance.
[Martine sighed. She was so out of his league].
"¿Por qué siempre terminan gustándome los chi-"
["Why do I always end up liking gu-"]
Fue interrumpida por el sonido de un tiroteo, se lanzó al suelo sólo por si acaso, cuando de repente, algo que parecía un perfil de acero atravesó el muro de la bodega, permitiendo la entrada de una minúscula cantidad de luz.
[She was interrupted by the sound of gunfire, at which she threw herself to the ground just to be safe, when suddenly, something that seemed like a steel beam tore through the wall of the cellar, letting a little light in].
Por primera vez pudo contemplar el interior de la bodega. Cajas de madera estaban apiladas por docenas, la mayoría estaban marcadas a un lado con grandes letras rojas, algunas tenían siglas conocidas. Se estremeció cuando se percató que varias eran de dinamita.
[She could examine her surroundings for the first time. Wooden boxes were piled by the dozen, most were marked with big red capital letters on the side, some had a familiar abbreviation on them. She shuddered as she realized dynamite was among the lot].
Esta no era una bodega corriente. Era un almacenaje de explosivos.
[This was no ordinary cellar. It was an explosives storage].
Si una bala perdida llegara siquiera a tocar un cartucho de dinamita... O eso, o...
[If a stray bullet would even touch a stick of dynamite... Either that or...]
"¡Fuego!" gritó un hombre desde afuera.
["Fire!" shouted a man from the outside].
"¿En serio?" Martine no pudo evitar gruñir con exasperación, sin poder creer la ridícula cadena de eventos. ¿Exactamente qué estaba sucediendo afuera?
["Really?" Martine couldn't help but groan in exasperation, in disbelief at such ridiculous chain of events. What exactly was going on out there?]
De todas formas, tenía que salir de ese depósito. Y rápido. O no viviría para contarlo.
[In any case, she had to get out of that cellar. And fast. Or she'd be done for....]
Don't cry
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Martine Vandezande pertenece a Hergé y su fundación. El dibujo es mio. Edit: Version que permite ver el real tamaño original |
Sé que dije que sería en dos partes, pero me puse a escribir y sencillamente no pude detenerme, ni quise resumirla porque me gustó. Martine se robó la escena =)
[I know I said that this story would be divided in two parts, but as I wrote, I couldn't stop myself, nor was I willing to resume it because I somewhat liked it. Martine stole this scene =)]
¿Qué fue lo que demoro más? Escribir. La tercera parte esta terminada. Sólo me queda el final.
[What was the hardest? Writing. Third part is written and finished. The ending is next].
¡Gracias por su paciencia!
[Thanks for your patience!]
2 °C:
Gaah finally ^^ I hope Tintin's alright..
Ahh pobre Martine espero que Tintin regrese a los brazos de esta chica!!!! sii <3 espero publikes pronto!! saludos!!
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