[Today, this short story will be finally over].
Se sentó rápidamente y hubiera optado seguir su plan al vuelo, si Martine no hubiera agarrado su mano antes. Para ser una mujer pequeña, apretaba relativamente fuerte.
[He quickly sat up and would have opted to follow his plan in a rush, had Martine not caught hold of his hand first. For a petite woman, she had a relatively strong grip.]
"¿Qué estabas haciendo?", preguntó.
["What were you doing?", she asked].
Y aunque se veía más curiosa que enojada, él estaba tan nervioso que sólo podía tartamudear.
[And though she looked more curious than angry, he was so nervous, he could only stutter].
"Verás... yo.. y-yo estaba... tu..."
["You see... I... I-I was... you..."]
La pregunta lo atrapó desprevenido. Ni siquiera podía formar una oración.
[He was caught off guard by the question. He couldn't even form a sentence].
¿Por qué no lo había abofeteado? Él sabía que lo tenia merecido.
[Why didn't she just slap him? He knew he deserved it].
Podría haber estado enojada, podría haberlo abofeteado, podría haberse asustado y escapado. En vez de todas esas cosas, ella lo besó.
[She could have been angry, she could have slapped him, she could have been scared out and ran away. Instead, of all things, she kissed him].
Estuvieron así un momento, cuando Martine rompió el silencio
[They were like that for a moment, when Martine broke the silence]
"La cama es mía".
["I get the bed"].
"Sí, señorita", respondió Tintin sin pensarlo dos veces. ¿Qué mas podía decirle a eso?
["Yes, miss", he answered without giving it a thought. What else could he say to that?]
You win
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Tintin y Martine Vandezande son propiedad de Hergé y su fundación. El dibujo es mio. |
[I'm sorry for the long wait. Had an awesome birthday, by the way. Best boyfriend ever got me Red Rackham's Treasure, I had to contain a squeal =P]
6 °C:
Omg I love this !!! Finally xD Thank you Emilia ^^ You're my idol now :] Keep up the good work!
Love it, love it, love it! Though I am sad that this little story is over I'll miss looking forward to each new installment :)
I hope the next story will be just as romantic as this :3
I will surely make another one in the future =)
Hopefully, she gets Tintin in the bed, too.
...to share body heat.
(What? Her clothes are soaked. She's probably freezing, and Tintin too! Cuddling will warm them right up!)
I agree :] they should go to bed together
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