[In the middle of the fire, Tintin was losing hope of finding whatever was left of the cellar. His chest tightened at the thought, and his eyes looked frantically all over the place for a sign, some clue, anything. Anything that could tell him Martine was alive].
"¡Señorita Martine!" Gritaba mientras se hacia camino entre las llamas, recorriendo aquellos lugares que el fuego aún no tocaba. Hacia mucho calor, y el agua se evaporaba rápidamente de sus ropas. Pero no se daría por vencido.
["Miss Martine!" He shouted as he made his way across the flames, running through the places the fire hadn't touched yet. The air was very hot and dry, and the water of his robes was evaporating fast. But he wouldn't give up].
"¡Señorita Martine!" Responda, por favor.
["Miss Martine!" Answer me, please].
De pronto, algo se rompió bajo su pie. Lo levantó y pudo ver pequeños pedazos de vidrio esparcidos en el suelo.
[Suddenly, something broke under his foot. As he raised it, he could see tiny bits of broken glass scattered across the ground].
Y plástico.
[And plastic.]
Eran las gafas de Martine.
[They were Martine's glasses].
El marco estaba descuadrado y un poco deforme, a medio derretir. Si las gafas estaban ahí, Martine quizás estaba cerca. No se daría por vencido...
[The frame was bent and uneven, half melted. If her glasses were there, then perhaps Martine was nearby. He wouldn't give up...]
Se arrodilló para cogerlos. Mientras lo hacía, sus ojos se nublaron. Los cubrió con uno de sus brazos y secó las lágrimas que comenzaban a formarse, sabiendo que no eran producto de la exposición al fuego, sino porque tenía una corazonada, y no era una buena.
[He kneeled down to pick them up. As he did, his eyes watered up. He covered them with one of his arms and dried the tears that were starting to form, knowing that they weren't caused by fire exposure, but because he had a hunch, and it wasn't a good one].
No sabía. No sabía que la bodega iba a-
[He didn't know. He didn't know the cellar would-]
"¡Tintin!" Era el Capitán.
["Tintin!" It was the Captain].
Tintin tardó un momento en localizarlo, pero cuando lo hizo, su corazón dio un vuelco y una pequeña sonrisa se dibujó en su rostro. El Capitán no estaba solo, Martine estaba en sus brazos, inconsciente.
[Tintin couldn't locate him right away, but when he did, his heart skipped a beat and a little smile made its way to his face. The Captain wasn't alone, Martine was in his arms, unconscious].
"¡Martine! ¡Capitán, usted-!" No pudo contener la emoción, estaba tan feliz que corrió a su encuentro y los abrazó con todas sus fuerzas, agradeciendo una y otra vez al asombrado Capitán.
["Martine! Captain, you-!" He couldn't contain his excitement, he was so happy that he ran to meet them and hugged them with all his might, thanking the astonished Captain over and over again].
En ese momento, el Capitán se dio cuenta que la muchacha en sus brazos significaba mucho más para Tintin de lo que pensaba al principio. Sonrió. Casi se olvidaba que su amigo ya no era un crío de quince años.
[In that moment, the Captain realized the woman in his arms meant much more to Tintin than he first thought. He smiled. He had almost forgotten his friend wasn't a fifteen year old kid anymore].
"Deberíamos volver con los demás, Tintin".
[We should go back with the others, Tintin"].
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Martine Vandezande, Tintin y el Capitán Haddock son propiedad de Hergé y su fundación. El dibujo es mio. |
Lamento la espera. Muchas gracias por su paciencia!
Se viene el epilogo. No puedo prometer cuando, eso si x.x
[I am sorry for the long wait. Thank you for your patience!
The epilogue is next. Can't promise when, though x.x]